Our Charity of the Year

Each year our Chairwoman chooses a Charity of the Year.
We choose local, Essex-based charities which have an impact in Chelmsford.
Throughout the year we aim to raise awareness, funds and support for our charity of the year. 

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The Blossom Suite provides a designated bereavement midwife and facilities for families to use following the loss of their baby. Fundraising allows the team to provide a home from home for families and create memories with their babies, as well as provide specialist equipment and ongoing support. This year we have already contributed towards the development of their reflection garden, which provides a quiet space on the hospital grounds for families to use.
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The Little Edi Foundation is a Chelmsford based non-profit where children and young people are at the heart of the organisation.  The foundation offers a range of initiatives to the local community including a food bank, coffee mornings, after school clubs and summer schools
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Farleigh Hospice provides hospice care to people affected by life-limiting illnesses across mid Essex.
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English for Women provide conversational English lessons and support to women who speak little or no English. 


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Safer Places is an independent charity which supports survivors of domestic abuse by providing a comprehensive service of advice, support, advocacy, education, training and immediate access to safe accommodation when required. They aim to empower clients to live brighter, safer futures.
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North Avenue Youth Centre is a place for young people to meet and interact. A registered charity based in the Melbourne area of Chelmsford, the centre provides evening club sessions and out of club events and activities for young people aged 8 to 25. 


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Dementia Adventure enables people living with dementia to get outdoors and connect with nature, themselves and their community, whilst retaining a sense of adventure in their lives. They also provide free dementia training for family carers and lead research into the benefits of outdoor activity.



Home-Start Chelmsford are part of one of the leading family support charities in the UK, working with over 60,000 children and families across the country. Home-Start volunteers help families with young children deal with the challenges they face. They support parents as they learn to cope, improve their confidence and build better lives for their children.  


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The Ark Centre is a purpose-built therapy centre in Chelmsford, Essex offering individualised, early intervention therapy for children with autism and/or social communication difficulties.

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South East and Central Essex Mind provides  a range of services for people experiencing mental health difficulties in the South East and Central part of Essex.



Farleigh Hospice provides hospice care to people affected by life-limiting illnesses across mid Essex.



Canine Partners pairs specially trained assistance dogs with people who have physical disabilities.

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Interact works with people of all ages with learning disabilities / additional needs, offering a wide range of fun, and social activities along with training and support opportunities.

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The J’s Hospice improves the lives of young adults (aged 16-40) with life-limiting conditions and their families across Essex. The J's provides tailored nursing and emotional care, advice and activities in the comfort of their own homes or in the community.


chelmsford ladies circle